Whoop whoop the school holidays are edging closer.
Don’t forget Molly is going to practice going off for hours on end so that you
have to go round in the dark with your torch, rattling Biscuits whispering
loudly,,,,,,” Molly sweet pea, Gorgeous
Girly” etc etc and when you’ve done all that you find her sitting in the
kitchen with that knowing grin. Big Osc sticks to you like glue and any hint of
the Ironing board is sure to send him into shock,rolling upside down and
looking like a seal on the beach, obviously scared stiff that his next meal
might be more than a few hours off.
And then there’s the pond. I noticed you changing
the filter sponges Friday with some success but the slowness of the flow had
you in a bit of a panic this morning. Good idea to wrap the old sponges round
the pump after you’d cleaned them. But no……….didn’t work. So off to the garden
centre for a new all singing all dancing expensive system plus an Espresso and
a sausage sandwich. Any excuse to stuff your face. Now you’re waiting on Sam to
arrive to supervise you in your Waders and Pond dipping outfit. Think the
shower cap might be a good plan to save your hair from all that weed.
Ok you win the best flow I've ever seen let's hope the level stays just below the tank while you're away.